Use Microprogramming to Save Resources and Increase Functionality
IntroductionMicroprogramming is a design approach that every FPGA designer should have in their bag of tricks. I subscribe to the concept that microprogramming is a structured approach to the design of state machines. This is essentially the view of Maurice Wilkes when he first proposed microprogramming in 1951 as an alternative method for the implementation of the control section of a computer. Wilkes was interested in improving the reliability and reducing time needed to implement...
I don’t often convert VHDL to Verilog but when I do ...
VHDL to VerilogI don’t often convert VHDL to Verilog but when I do it is not the most exciting task in the world (that is an understatement). For the most part I am HDL agnostic. Well that is not true, I have a strong preference for MyHDL, and an insubstantial preference for VHDL over Verilog. The choice of HDL for a project is often complicated, irrational, sometimes rational, but most often random. It is often not a choice of the developer - for...
Point of View
I was caught of guard when someone commented:
"when a FIR filter is full of multiple loops and complex code, something is wrong"The comment was made during an informal discussion on alternative hardware description languages (HDL) and was targeted to the straightforward FIR filter implemented in MyHDL:
(different FIR description simulation results)
Personally, (and...
MyHDL Presentation Examples
The last two years I presented at EELive. The first year as an overview of MyHDL and a strong case why you should be using MyHDL as your hardware description language (HDL) [paper]. The second year was an introduction to three alternative HDLs (alt.hdl), including MyHDL. I also presented at a regional Python conferene: pyohio. At the Python conference I presented...
Spline interpolation
A cookbook recipe for segmented y=f(x) 3rd-order polynomial interpolation based on arbitrary input data. Includes Octave/Matlab design script and Verilog implementation example. Keywords: Spline, interpolation, function modeling, fixed point approximation, data fitting, Matlab, RTL, Verilog
IntroductionSplines describe a smooth function with a small number of parameters. They are well-known for example from vector drawing programs, or to define a "natural" movement path through given...
[Comments] C HLS Benefits
Earlier this week I posted a small write-up comparing a hardware median calculation implemented in a C-to gates "HLS" (Vivado C HLS) and a version in MyHDL. For a long time I have had the belief that C-to-gate technologies are of little to no benefit - based on the simple premise that "C" is not that high-level of a language (I actually consider it lower than Verilog and VHDL ... but that is a conversation for another time).
Language comparisons...
Little to no benefit from C based HLS
Last updated 07-Nov-2015
As I write this I am on a plane and my destination is EELive 2014 where I am going to give a talk hardware design: the grunge era. It is a shotgun introduction to three alternative hardware description languages (alt.hdl). The three languages briefly introduced in the talk are: bsv, chisel, and myhdl. The goal of the talk is simply to raise awareness of the three...
Signed serial-/parallel multiplication
Keywords: Binary signed multiplication implementation, RTL, Verilog, algorithm
Summary- A detailed discussion of bit-level trickstery in signed-signed multiplication
- Algorithm based on Wikipedia example
- Includes a Verilog implementation with parametrized bit width
A straightforward method to multiply two binary numbers is to repeatedly shift the first argument a, and add to a register if the corresponding bit in the other argument b is set. The...
MyHDL Interface Example
MyHDL Interfaces ExampleWith the next release of MyHDL, version 0.9, conversion of interfaces will be supported. In this context an interface is any object with a Signal attribute. This can be used to simplify connection between modules and port definitions. For example, if I want to define a simple memory-map bus, the Signals for the bus can be defined as follows:
class BareBoneBus: def __init__(self): self.wr = Signal(False) self.rd =...MyHDL @EDAPlayground
Trying out MyHDL became a little easier recently. MyHDL is now avaialbe @EDAPlayground. One can experiment with Python/MyHDL verification of HDL modules and implementing complex digital cirucits in MyHDL.
The @EDAPlayground has two main panels. On the left is the testbench and the right the HDL description to be tested.
There are a couple examples...
Launch of
With the upcoming Embedded Word just around the corner, I am very excited to launch the platform.
This is where you will find the schedule for all the live broadcasts that I will be doing from Embedded World next week. Please note that the schedule will be evolving constantly, even during the show, so I suggest your refresh the page often. For instance, I am still unsure if I will be able to do the 'opening of the doors' broadcast as...
Who else is going to Sensors Expo in San Jose? Looking for roommate(s)!
This will be my first time attending this show and I must say that I am excited. I am bringing with me my cameras and other video equipment with the intention to capture as much footage as possible and produce a (hopefully) fun to watch 'highlights' video. I will also try to film as many demos as possible and share them with you.
I enjoy going to shows like this one as it gives me the opportunity to get out of my home-office (from where I manage and run the *Related sites) and actually...
Signed serial-/parallel multiplication
Keywords: Binary signed multiplication implementation, RTL, Verilog, algorithm
Summary- A detailed discussion of bit-level trickstery in signed-signed multiplication
- Algorithm based on Wikipedia example
- Includes a Verilog implementation with parametrized bit width
A straightforward method to multiply two binary numbers is to repeatedly shift the first argument a, and add to a register if the corresponding bit in the other argument b is set. The...
Feedback Controllers - Making Hardware with Firmware. Part 9. Closing the low-latency loop
It's time to put together the DSP and feedback control sciences, the evaluation electronics, the Intel Cyclone floating-point FPGA algorithms and the built-in control loop test-bed and evaluate some example designs. We will be counting the nanoseconds and looking for textbook performance in the creation of emulated hardware circuits. Along the way, there is a printed circuit board (PCB) issue to solve using DSP.
Fig 1. The evaluation platform
Additional design...
Feedback Controllers - Making Hardware with Firmware. Part 2. Ideal Model Examples
Developing and Validating Simulation ModelsThis article will describe models for simulating the systems and controllers for the hardware emulation application described in Part 1 of the series.
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: Ideal Model Examples
- Part 3: Sampled Data Aspects
- Part 4: Engineering of Evaluation Hardware
- Part 5:
Three more things you need to know when transitioning from MCUs to FPGAs
Take a look at three more important difference between FPGAs and MCUs: "code reuse" vs templating, metastability and blocking vs. non-blocking operations.
Developing FPGA-DSP IP with Python
This blog post was previously titled MyHDL ASIC Proven (How is this related to FPGAs?) but the blog post has been updated and mainly discusses developing FPGA-DSP IP with Python / MyHDL. The original content is still present but the post has been reorganized and expanded. Original post 16-Mar-2010.
Developing FPGA-DSP IP with Python / MyHDLUsing Python to develop DSP logic for an FPGA is very powerful. The Python ecosystem contains many packages including numerical and...
Mathematics and Cryptography
The mathematics of number theory and elliptic curves can take a life time to learn because they are very deep subjects. As engineers we don't have time to earn PhD's in math along with all the things we have to learn just to make communications systems work. However, a little learning can go a long way to helping make our communications systems secure - we don't need to know everything. The following articles are broken down into two realms, number theory and elliptic...
Feedback Controllers - Making Hardware with Firmware. Part I. Introduction
Introduction to the topicThis is the 1st in a series of articles looking at how we can use DSP and Feedback Control Sciences along with some mixed-signal electronics and number-crunching capability (e.g. FPGA), to create arbitrary (within reason) Electrical/Electronic Circuits with real-world connectivity. Of equal importance will be the evaluation of the functionality and performance of a practical design made from modestly-priced state of the art devices.
- Part 1:
Little to no benefit from C based HLS
Last updated 07-Nov-2015
As I write this I am on a plane and my destination is EELive 2014 where I am going to give a talk hardware design: the grunge era. It is a shotgun introduction to three alternative hardware description languages (alt.hdl). The three languages briefly introduced in the talk are: bsv, chisel, and myhdl. The goal of the talk is simply to raise awareness of the three...
Live Streaming from Embedded World!
For those of you who won't be attending Embedded World this year, I will try to be your eyes and ears by video streaming live from the show floor.
I am not talking improvised streaming from a phone, but real, high quality HD streaming with a high-end camera and a device that will bond three internet connections (one wifi and two cellular) to ensure a steady, and hopefully reliable, stream. All this to hopefully give those of you who cannot be there in person a virtual...
Feedback Controllers - Making Hardware with Firmware. Part 9. Closing the low-latency loop
It's time to put together the DSP and feedback control sciences, the evaluation electronics, the Intel Cyclone floating-point FPGA algorithms and the built-in control loop test-bed and evaluate some example designs. We will be counting the nanoseconds and looking for textbook performance in the creation of emulated hardware circuits. Along the way, there is a printed circuit board (PCB) issue to solve using DSP.
Fig 1. The evaluation platform
Additional design...
Introducing the VPCIe framework
IntroductionMy daily work involves platforms featuring an embedded CPU communcating with a FPGA device over a PCI Express link (PCIe for short). The main purpose of this link is for the CPU to convey configuration, control, and status commands to hardware slaves implemented in the FPGA. For data intensive applications (2D XRay detector readout backend), this link can also be used as a DMA channel to transfer data from the FPGA to the CPU memory. Finally, a slave can interrupt the CPU using...
ESC Boston's Videos are Now Up
In my last blog, I told you about my experience at ESC Boston and the few videos that I was planning to produce and publish. Here they are, please have a look and any feedback (positive or negative) is appreciated.
Short HighlightThis is a very short (one minute) montage of some of the footage that I shot at the show & conference. In future shows, I absolutely need to insert clips here and there of engineers saying a few words about the conference (why they...
binary hello world
Python + Ohio + MyHDL + FPGARecently I had the opportunity to coordinate a hands-on programmable hardware (FPGA) workshop (open-space) at a regional Python conference - @pyohio. The workshop was for those that had little to no exposure to programmable hardware. For this situation I used two basic examples: two versions of a binary hello world.
The binary hello world -- blinking an LED -- is a good starting point to introduce programmable hardware, hardware descriptions languages,...
Feedback Controllers - Making Hardware with Firmware. Part 7. Turbo-charged DSP Oscillators
This article will look at some DSP Sine-wave oscillators and will show how an FPGA with limited floating-point performance due to latency, can be persuaded to produce much higher sample-rate sine-waves of high quality.Comparisons will be made between implementations on Intel Cyclone V and Cyclone 10 GX FPGAs. An Intel numerically controlled oscillator
Windows XP and Win32 - the Platform of the Future!
Over the past decade I often wondered why anyone uses Windows. It's just so... proprietary. And pedestrian. As I grew up my OS of choice went nothing to CPM to DOS (on Apple ][), GEM on Atari ST, MS-DOS, DOS extenders, Mac OS, Windows NT, Windows XP, Linux... Now, I again find myself a fan of Windows XP, the platform of the future. (I am still a fan of bare metal, of course).Maybe I am not totally serious, but I, a self-proclaimed freedom lover and...
Square root in fixed point VHDL
In this blog we will design and implement a fixed point square root function in VHDL. The algorithm is based on the recursive Newton Raphson inverse square root algorithm and the implementation offers parametrizable pipeline depth, word length and the algorithm is built with VHDL records and procedures for easy use.
Launch of
With the upcoming Embedded Word just around the corner, I am very excited to launch the platform.
This is where you will find the schedule for all the live broadcasts that I will be doing from Embedded World next week. Please note that the schedule will be evolving constantly, even during the show, so I suggest your refresh the page often. For instance, I am still unsure if I will be able to do the 'opening of the doors' broadcast as...
Tools of the Trade: reading PDFs (and keeping bookmarks)
In this article I will take a look at the wonderful MuPDF viewer and present a small modification that saves bookmarks alongside the pdf files, making it infinitely more useful.
Some days I sit down to work and wonder how anything ever gets done. A simple example. When I work on an FPGA design, I wind up with 3 or 4 screens full of documentation, generally in PDF format. There are the Xilinx manuals, the various tool manuals, language reference manuals, you name it. While...