
Elliptic Curve Cryptography


Secure online communications require encryption. One standard is AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) from NIST. But for this to work, both sides need the same key for encryption and decryption. This is called Private Key encryption.

Makefiles for Xilinx Tools

Victor Yurkovsky

Building a bitstream from an HDL is a complicated process that requires the cooperation of a lot of tools.  You can hide behind an IDE or grow a pair and use command line tools and a makefile to tie your build process together.  I am...

Use a Simple Microprogram Controller (MPC) to Speed Development of Complex Microprogrammed State Machines

Michael Morris

Introduction This article will describe a synthesizable HDL-based microprogram controller (MPC), or microprogram sequencer (MPS), that can be used to provide the control of a microprogrammed state machine. Unlike the microprogrammed state...

Fit Sixteen (or more) Asynchronous Serial Receivers into the Area of a Standard UART Receiver

Michael Morris

Introduction This article will describe a technique, available in many current FPGA architectures, to fit a large amount of logic into a small area. About ten years ago now (Feb/Mar 2005), I helped develop a multi-line Caller ID product....

I don’t often convert VHDL to Verilog but when I do ...

Christopher Felton

VHDL to Verilog I don’t often convert VHDL to Verilog but when I do it is not the most exciting task in the world (that is an understatement).  For the most part I am HDL agnostic.  Well that is not true, I have a strong...

MyHDL @EDAPlayground

Christopher Felton

  Trying out MyHDL became a little easier recently.  MyHDL is now avaialbe @EDAPlayground.  One can experiment with Python/MyHDL verification of HDL modules and implementing complex digital cirucits in MyHDL. The...

BGA and QFP at Home 1 - A Practical Guide.

Victor Yurkovsky

It is almost universally accepted by the hobbyists that you can't work with high-density packages at home.  That is entirely incorrect.  I've been assembling and reflowing BGA circuit boards at home for a few years now.  BGAs and...

How FPGAs work, and why you'll buy one

Yossi Kreinin

Today, pretty much everyone has a CPU, a DSP and a GPU, buried somewhere in their PC, phone, car, etc. Most don't know or care that they bought any of these, but they did. Will everyone, at some future point, also buy an FPGA? The market size...

StrangeCPU #4. Microcode

Victor Yurkovsky

  Summary: Sliding windows containing runs of microcode. Table of Contents: Part 1: A new CPU - technology review, re-examination of the premises;  StrangeCPU concepts; x86 notes. Part 2: Sliding-Window Token Machines, an...

StrangeCPU #3. Instruction Slides - The Strangest CPU Yet!

Victor Yurkovsky

Summary: Decoding instructions with a Sliding Window system.  0-Bit Sliding Register Windows. Table of Contents: Part 1: A new CPU - technology review, re-examination of the premises;  StrangeCPU concepts; x86 notes. Part 2:...