sampling 800mbps data in virtex 5QV
Started by 8 years ago●9 replies●latest reply 8 years ago●111 viewsWe are trying for a space radar application. For that from ADC need to receive data at around 760MHz.
Is it possible to achieve using rocketio ?
I have designed several space fpga including the v5 you need to think about Adc choice what is the output format 760 MHZ fs is 360 MHZ of bandwidth to be processed. Most high speed space devices use multiple outputs to provide a lower data rate output.
Have you considered radiation. The perfomance of the adc etc
You should be able to find I/O speed for both differential and single-ended from datasheet. If your ADC output is differential, 760MHz may be doable. V7 FPGA can support differential DDR data rate up to 1.25+Gbps.
The seven series devices are not space qualified at the moment hence the need for v5qv part.
It is possible i have used v5qv and 3 gsps adc and dac but need careful component selection and design. It will not be cheap either think about $1 million usd per board cost by time you include NRE
Thanks for replay.
v5qv is fixed. we are going to use this and diffrential I/O, need to finalise ADC.
Thanks for replay.
we didn't finalise the ADC part no. yet but I/O will be diffrential.
760MHz - Do you mean sample rate ? Some converters (-45 to 85 Degree C) use standardized serial interfaces providing BW from ~300Mbps to 3+ Gbps. RocketIO/MGT is required. Finalize the ADC, that would finalize the interface. Start implementing in FPGA.
thanks for your suggestion.
yes it is sampling rate.
our project is in planning phase. we are trying to confirm ADC and related interface. we are going to use differential I/O.
It is good post and quite interesting.