MyHDL synthesis: from browser to FPGA in five seconds
When it comes to feeding (mostly proprietary) synthesis tools, the most widely supported HDL (hardware design language) is probably plain Verilog, then comes VHDL. The reasons for that are simply based on popularity or the fact that VHDL is a little more complex to parse.
So, all super-HDLs (like Chisel, SpinalHDL, etc.) transfer to one of these V* HDLs in one way or another, then synthesis/mapping/place'n'route turns it into a wiring map for the silicon. Same went for MyHDL or its also...
Using GHDL for interactive simulation under Linux
The opensource and free VHDL simulator 'GHDL' has been out for many years, but like many other opensource tools, it has caught limited attention from the industry. I can hear you thinking: 'If it doesn't cost money, it can't be worth it'. Well, I hope this short overview will change your mind and even whet your appetite for more. Because, using some extensions, you can do some quite funky stuff with it that will save you a lot of debugging work. For example, simulate your real world software...
Using GHDL for interactive simulation under Linux
The opensource and free VHDL simulator 'GHDL' has been out for many years, but like many other opensource tools, it has caught limited attention from the industry. I can hear you thinking: 'If it doesn't cost money, it can't be worth it'. Well, I hope this short overview will change your mind and even whet your appetite for more. Because, using some extensions, you can do some quite funky stuff with it that will save you a lot of debugging work. For example, simulate your real world software...
MyHDL synthesis: from browser to FPGA in five seconds
When it comes to feeding (mostly proprietary) synthesis tools, the most widely supported HDL (hardware design language) is probably plain Verilog, then comes VHDL. The reasons for that are simply based on popularity or the fact that VHDL is a little more complex to parse.
So, all super-HDLs (like Chisel, SpinalHDL, etc.) transfer to one of these V* HDLs in one way or another, then synthesis/mapping/place'n'route turns it into a wiring map for the silicon. Same went for MyHDL or its also...
Using GHDL for interactive simulation under Linux
The opensource and free VHDL simulator 'GHDL' has been out for many years, but like many other opensource tools, it has caught limited attention from the industry. I can hear you thinking: 'If it doesn't cost money, it can't be worth it'. Well, I hope this short overview will change your mind and even whet your appetite for more. Because, using some extensions, you can do some quite funky stuff with it that will save you a lot of debugging work. For example, simulate your real world software...
MyHDL synthesis: from browser to FPGA in five seconds
When it comes to feeding (mostly proprietary) synthesis tools, the most widely supported HDL (hardware design language) is probably plain Verilog, then comes VHDL. The reasons for that are simply based on popularity or the fact that VHDL is a little more complex to parse.
So, all super-HDLs (like Chisel, SpinalHDL, etc.) transfer to one of these V* HDLs in one way or another, then synthesis/mapping/place'n'route turns it into a wiring map for the silicon. Same went for MyHDL or its also...