Olivier TREMOIS (@oliviert)
Mixing is even easier in logic as shifting are just wire redirection.If your target is a Xilinx SoC/MPSoC/Versal ACAP then give a try to Vitis and Vitis HLS. If...
1 and (4,5) seems incompatible to me. Furthermore Vivado is not compatible with Virtex 2 Pro. With the latest Xilinx Vivado tools you will be able to target 7-series...
Hihave a look to the UG768 "7 series FPGAs Libraries Guide" p60You'll have the template to instantiate the right FIFO.Olivier
The same way you can use: C, C++, Python, Compiled Python, Java, ... to program your processor.The same question could be asked!The thing is that each language suits...
As says martinthompson The LTE FFT contains this 1536, which adds a radix-3 stage in the FFT. If you want to be able to change dynamically the FFT size you will...
On the XILINX side you should restrict yourself to 7-series and beyond to be able to take advantage of the Vivado tool.The first choice is: do you want a pure FPGA,...
I couldn't say a better advice!Try Vivado HLS from Xilinx, you'll get what you need in a few minutes.
adamt99 is right. reVision and RAS support machine learning (inference side) using Caffee network description using int8 and int16.Another area is the reduced precision...
Hi all,I had a look to Internet:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PSoChttp://www.cypress.com/products/32-bit-arm-cortex-...PSoC or Programmable SoC is the term used...
In standard SoC (or programmable SoC) you have fixed IOs, fixed hardware accelerators that you can access from within a processor.Xilinx and Intel PSG (formerly...
@cfelton IPI (Xilinx) is not mandatory to create a design. It is just another way to create a hardware design. It's been designed to integrate high-level blocks...
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