Summer of gateware is coming (again)
How time flies! I swear my last post was a summary of the 2015 summer of gateware. This year (2016) MyHDL is participating in the Google summer of code again, for the second year, continuing as a sub-org of the Python Software Foundation organization.
This year, so far, has been amazing and inspiring. We have had many talented students inquire about the project and contribute to myhdl and
Summer of Gateware
This (last) summer the MyHDL project participated in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) as a sub-organization under the Python Software Foundation (PSF). This was our first year participating - there was a lot for us to learn. Overall it was a worthwhile and beneficial activity.
Being a first time sub-org we were limited to a maximum of two students. We had nine students apply and twelve mentors volunteer. Only being able to select two students...
I don’t often convert VHDL to Verilog but when I do ...
VHDL to VerilogI don’t often convert VHDL to Verilog but when I do it is not the most exciting task in the world (that is an understatement). For the most part I am HDL agnostic. Well that is not true, I have a strong preference for MyHDL, and an insubstantial preference for VHDL over Verilog. The choice of HDL for a project is often complicated, irrational, sometimes rational, but most often random. It is often not a choice of the developer - for...
Point of View
I was caught of guard when someone commented:
"when a FIR filter is full of multiple loops and complex code, something is wrong"The comment was made during an informal discussion on alternative hardware description languages (HDL) and was targeted to the straightforward FIR filter implemented in MyHDL:
(different FIR description simulation results)
Personally, (and...
MyHDL Presentation Examples
The last two years I presented at EELive. The first year as an overview of MyHDL and a strong case why you should be using MyHDL as your hardware description language (HDL) [paper]. The second year was an introduction to three alternative HDLs (alt.hdl), including MyHDL. I also presented at a regional Python conferene: pyohio. At the Python conference I presented...
[Comments] C HLS Benefits
Earlier this week I posted a small write-up comparing a hardware median calculation implemented in a C-to gates "HLS" (Vivado C HLS) and a version in MyHDL. For a long time I have had the belief that C-to-gate technologies are of little to no benefit - based on the simple premise that "C" is not that high-level of a language (I actually consider it lower than Verilog and VHDL ... but that is a conversation for another time).
Language comparisons...
Little to no benefit from C based HLS
Last updated 07-Nov-2015
As I write this I am on a plane and my destination is EELive 2014 where I am going to give a talk hardware design: the grunge era. It is a shotgun introduction to three alternative hardware description languages (alt.hdl). The three languages briefly introduced in the talk are: bsv, chisel, and myhdl. The goal of the talk is simply to raise awareness of the three...
MyHDL Interface Example
MyHDL Interfaces ExampleWith the next release of MyHDL, version 0.9, conversion of interfaces will be supported. In this context an interface is any object with a Signal attribute. This can be used to simplify connection between modules and port definitions. For example, if I want to define a simple memory-map bus, the Signals for the bus can be defined as follows:
class BareBoneBus: def __init__(self): self.wr = Signal(False) self.rd =...MyHDL @EDAPlayground
Trying out MyHDL became a little easier recently. MyHDL is now avaialbe @EDAPlayground. One can experiment with Python/MyHDL verification of HDL modules and implementing complex digital cirucits in MyHDL.
The @EDAPlayground has two main panels. On the left is the testbench and the right the HDL description to be tested.
There are a couple examples...
binary hello world
Python + Ohio + MyHDL + FPGARecently I had the opportunity to coordinate a hands-on programmable hardware (FPGA) workshop (open-space) at a regional Python conference - @pyohio. The workshop was for those that had little to no exposure to programmable hardware. For this situation I used two basic examples: two versions of a binary hello world.
The binary hello world -- blinking an LED -- is a good starting point to introduce programmable hardware, hardware descriptions languages,...
MyHDL FPGA Tutorial I (LED Strobe)
Last updated 05-Nov-2015
IntroductionFrom many perspectives the latest FPGA offerings from 'X' and 'A' are large devices - mucho programmable logic resources. Even the devices that one can get for sub \$10 are relatively large. Because of the size of these FPGAs they are implemented using an HDL. To manually configure each circuit would be a long and tedious task. It is not feasible to program an FPGA by manually defining the logic for each LUT and manually...
I don’t often convert VHDL to Verilog but when I do ...
VHDL to VerilogI don’t often convert VHDL to Verilog but when I do it is not the most exciting task in the world (that is an understatement). For the most part I am HDL agnostic. Well that is not true, I have a strong preference for MyHDL, and an insubstantial preference for VHDL over Verilog. The choice of HDL for a project is often complicated, irrational, sometimes rational, but most often random. It is often not a choice of the developer - for...
MyHDL FPGA Tutorial II (Audio Echo)
IntroductionThis tutorial will walk through an audio echo that can be implemented on an FPGA development board. This tutorial is quite a bit more involved than the previous MyHDL FPGA tutorial. This project will require an FPGA board with an audio codec and the interface logic to the audio codec.
Review the Previous TutorialThe previous MyHDL FPGA tutorial I posted a strobing LED on an FPGA board. In that tutorial we introduced the basics of a MyHDL module....
Developing FPGA-DSP IP with Python
This blog post was previously titled MyHDL ASIC Proven (How is this related to FPGAs?) but the blog post has been updated and mainly discusses developing FPGA-DSP IP with Python / MyHDL. The original content is still present but the post has been reorganized and expanded. Original post 16-Mar-2010.
Developing FPGA-DSP IP with Python / MyHDLUsing Python to develop DSP logic for an FPGA is very powerful. The Python ecosystem contains many packages including numerical and...
MyHDL FPGA Tutorial II cont. (Echo, Audio Interface)
IntroductionTo demonstrate the echo on an FPGA board an interface to an audio ADC/DAC chip will be used. The following will explain the connection to the audio codec and the HDL module used to interface.
Audio Codec InterfaceI have two boards with TI AIC23b audio codecs. The AIC23 has a configuration interface (ability to program the registers) and a streaming audio interface. The SPI mode will be used to configure the codec and the I2S interface is used to send and...
binary hello world
Python + Ohio + MyHDL + FPGARecently I had the opportunity to coordinate a hands-on programmable hardware (FPGA) workshop (open-space) at a regional Python conference - @pyohio. The workshop was for those that had little to no exposure to programmable hardware. For this situation I used two basic examples: two versions of a binary hello world.
The binary hello world -- blinking an LED -- is a good starting point to introduce programmable hardware, hardware descriptions languages,...
Are you kidding me?
If I understand the blog entry [1] correctly, it's saying the industry is ready for high level synthesis (HLS), well almost. The blog states, the higher abstraction level will be achieved via C/C++/SystemC (the C-centric flows). A quote from the blog.
... getting close, and one of the biggest hurdles still to overcome is the skill set -- the combination of hardware design expertise and C++ -- ...
C/C++/SystemC, are you kidding...
Point of View
I was caught of guard when someone commented:
"when a FIR filter is full of multiple loops and complex code, something is wrong"The comment was made during an informal discussion on alternative hardware description languages (HDL) and was targeted to the straightforward FIR filter implemented in MyHDL:
(different FIR description simulation results)
Personally, (and...
MyHDL @EDAPlayground
Trying out MyHDL became a little easier recently. MyHDL is now avaialbe @EDAPlayground. One can experiment with Python/MyHDL verification of HDL modules and implementing complex digital cirucits in MyHDL.
The @EDAPlayground has two main panels. On the left is the testbench and the right the HDL description to be tested.
There are a couple examples...
MyHDL Resources and Projects
Last updated 07-Nov-2017
MyHDL ResourcesIf you want to dive into MyHDL (digital hardware description in Python) there are many resources available. Below is a list of MyHDL resources, including some of the past blogs here on fpgarelated.
The MyHDL manual is a great (probably the best) place to get started.
The manual is an in-depth introduction to MyHDL. The concepts are well explained and there are examples to test while working through the...
MyHDL FPGA Tutorial I (LED Strobe)
Last updated 05-Nov-2015
IntroductionFrom many perspectives the latest FPGA offerings from 'X' and 'A' are large devices - mucho programmable logic resources. Even the devices that one can get for sub \$10 are relatively large. Because of the size of these FPGAs they are implemented using an HDL. To manually configure each circuit would be a long and tedious task. It is not feasible to program an FPGA by manually defining the logic for each LUT and manually...
I don’t often convert VHDL to Verilog but when I do ...
VHDL to VerilogI don’t often convert VHDL to Verilog but when I do it is not the most exciting task in the world (that is an understatement). For the most part I am HDL agnostic. Well that is not true, I have a strong preference for MyHDL, and an insubstantial preference for VHDL over Verilog. The choice of HDL for a project is often complicated, irrational, sometimes rational, but most often random. It is often not a choice of the developer - for...
Developing FPGA-DSP IP with Python
This blog post was previously titled MyHDL ASIC Proven (How is this related to FPGAs?) but the blog post has been updated and mainly discusses developing FPGA-DSP IP with Python / MyHDL. The original content is still present but the post has been reorganized and expanded. Original post 16-Mar-2010.
Developing FPGA-DSP IP with Python / MyHDLUsing Python to develop DSP logic for an FPGA is very powerful. The Python ecosystem contains many packages including numerical and...
MyHDL FPGA Tutorial II (Audio Echo)
IntroductionThis tutorial will walk through an audio echo that can be implemented on an FPGA development board. This tutorial is quite a bit more involved than the previous MyHDL FPGA tutorial. This project will require an FPGA board with an audio codec and the interface logic to the audio codec.
Review the Previous TutorialThe previous MyHDL FPGA tutorial I posted a strobing LED on an FPGA board. In that tutorial we introduced the basics of a MyHDL module....
Little to no benefit from C based HLS
Last updated 07-Nov-2015
As I write this I am on a plane and my destination is EELive 2014 where I am going to give a talk hardware design: the grunge era. It is a shotgun introduction to three alternative hardware description languages (alt.hdl). The three languages briefly introduced in the talk are: bsv, chisel, and myhdl. The goal of the talk is simply to raise awareness of the three...
MyHDL FPGA Tutorial II cont. (Echo, Audio Interface)
IntroductionTo demonstrate the echo on an FPGA board an interface to an audio ADC/DAC chip will be used. The following will explain the connection to the audio codec and the HDL module used to interface.
Audio Codec InterfaceI have two boards with TI AIC23b audio codecs. The AIC23 has a configuration interface (ability to program the registers) and a streaming audio interface. The SPI mode will be used to configure the codec and the I2S interface is used to send and...
The Spartans
The latest release of the Xilinx Spartan family is the Spartan6 line of FPGAs. It has been awhile since the last major Spartan released, the Spartan3, but this last year Xilinx released the Spartan6. The Xilinx Spartan family is the low cost FPGAs compared to the higher cost and high performance Virtex family. The Spartan family is derived from the Virtex architecture with some changes to reduce the cost. The Spartan3 FPGAs were derived from the Virtex-II architecture. Since the Spartan3...
MyHDL Resources and Projects
Last updated 07-Nov-2017
MyHDL ResourcesIf you want to dive into MyHDL (digital hardware description in Python) there are many resources available. Below is a list of MyHDL resources, including some of the past blogs here on fpgarelated.
The MyHDL manual is a great (probably the best) place to get started.
The manual is an in-depth introduction to MyHDL. The concepts are well explained and there are examples to test while working through the...
binary hello world
Python + Ohio + MyHDL + FPGARecently I had the opportunity to coordinate a hands-on programmable hardware (FPGA) workshop (open-space) at a regional Python conference - @pyohio. The workshop was for those that had little to no exposure to programmable hardware. For this situation I used two basic examples: two versions of a binary hello world.
The binary hello world -- blinking an LED -- is a good starting point to introduce programmable hardware, hardware descriptions languages,...
USB-FPGA : Introduction
This blog is an introduction to a series of blogs I hope to write. The blogs will cover the design and experiences I had on a project that spanned the last 6 years. The project was the development of an USB FPGA board and the supporting gateware, firmware, and software. The project has had different levels of activity over the years, ranging from none to some, but it has been an ongoing project, albeit, during sleepless nights. Lately, I have ported the HDL (gateware)...